Fair Winds and Following Seas
Sea breeze, a few glasses of wine
conversations that go astray
loose lips sail ships
from the traditional
“…what if’s…”
“…would you…”
ragging fears come to light
while other’s are put to bed
love is not a link
to a chain that binds
but the feather’s
in an angel’s wings
taunting us to fly
and as we hold on tight
wrapped in a blanket of disguise
as if this would be the last time
there is never a second guess
to where passion will take us
wishing always…
"Fair Winds and Following Seas."
Heart Stings
Tide shifts with continuity
Highs and lows of a new moon
Float among stars and planets
While tugging on heart strings
Like the notes from a guitar
Songs reflecting a sentimental mood
Creating new memories
While kisses stir the soul
Shinning a light on the potential of another day
Filled with smiles and moments
That cause pause and question
The unpredictable likelihood
Of lust and/or passion
With or without a connection
Between two souls
While ambivalence and tentativeness
Lead the way
Taxi Driver
What to say when a question is posed
Like a bull in a China shop…
The only answer lay dumbfound on the tongue of an exiled wise ass ~
“So, uh what about you, dating yet or uh, anything…?”
That is how the question game begins
Twisting in the wind via self-preservation, defensiveness… and
A touch of whatthefuck –
One way ticket directly to Hell
Do not pass go or collect two hundred dollars…
Just answer the question and hit the high road, get out of Dodge
A fast train to…no where
The reply is not as quick witted as a sharp shooter
Answers flying solo on the wrong side of the road
While the stakes are higher still as Park Avenue blends with Broadway
And the mortgage was lost on a free toss of the dice...Dooms Day 1929
Spin the wheel of fortune, on the down beat I can name that tune
Just the slightest hint and charades is no longer much of a challenge
Along with finding the misplaced Shroud of Turin
In a small apartment on the south side of Tribeca
At a film festival that draws an exclusive crowd
While a slight echo bounces around the inside of my curve
For a writer I find myself at a complete loss for words....
So in my best De Niro...take aim - fire…
“…you talkin to me…”
Red Balloon
A fine line between what is said
and what is meant
when passion hides
behind well wishes and glances
on the other side of friendship
and no one knows better
than Madame Bovary
if love will come or
love will go
the extra mile or
fade off into a slow burn
sun rises and sets
with each lie that innocently
drips from lips of gold
like spilt wine from high end crystal
visions of happily ever after
play out in the perfection of a Truffaut flick
and optimism is a red balloon
that is chased after and never caught…
unobtainable high…
© 2009 Trilby Yates