Friday, November 28, 2014

Red Vinyl

Static New York accents float
With abrasive intent throughout the diner -
Burnt smoky bacon thick cut it with a knife
Smell fills the air
Bouncing off cracked 
Half-assed some kind of repair 
Duct tapped red vinyl booth seats 
Screaming 1950's decor reminiscent of happier days
Attaching its vibration to anyone that happens to be
An unfortunate victim of being in the wrong place 
At the wrong time - syndrome 
You slide into position and begin tapping 
A methodical rendition of Bo Diddle
On any adamant object that is slightly stationary 
Always reaching its full potential of
...fucking annoying as hell... 
While the Juke Box hungers for another quarter
Never noticing the grimace expression 
on the waitress's Onedrinkandsmoketomany dog-eared complexion
Temples pulsating thoughts deliberate
If only we could read her mind
My money's on...just another asshole...
And you keep trying to make her smile
Pulling the pencil from behind her left ear 
Eyes glazed over lack of luster
"...what'll ya have Mac?"
- the big hand goes around...tick, tick...
Snapping gum between cynical questions
Same old answers day after day
"One more cup of Joe for the road..."
Just another...dumbassedstupidfucking reply
Overloaded waitress brain freeze -

© 2014 TrilbyYates

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