Friday, May 8, 2015

Free Wheeling

I don't know man 
I'm drifting around 
kind of blurry eyed 
and every time 
I think I've got it right
- every time I think 
there is a turning of the tide 
some asshole steps up 
and shines a bright light 
on all my hiding places 
And I am not sure 
if anyone cares 
and that little care-less 
nonchalant mention 
goes a long way 
when all that flies by 
in the middle of the night 
are distant sirens 
from someone else's 
- tragedy
And isn't that 
the American way 
Isn't that 
what we were taught 
Isn't that 
the common thread 
that ties us all together
- linked by a common thread 
or blood line 
never drawn 
- in the sand 
last breath 
or taking a stand
And you never 
have to acknowledge 
my existence never 
have to acknowledge 
my existence
simply because 
I believe 
I have been 
free wheeling life away 

© 2015 TrilbyYates

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