Friday, May 13, 2016

A new beginning...

To all that may be following this blog I've created a new website to push myself into writing more, better content and an attempt to shoot for the stars! Live readings and maybe publication!

Hope to see y'all there!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

I Will Walk Over A Bridge

I will walk over a bridge,
a bridge -
walk over a bridge historically symbolic
I will walk over a bridge
with mothers, sisters, daughters, fathers, brothers and sons
Connected by our difference and commonality

The raven will fly high above
black wing span casting a luminous shadow
the unknown
the other side
what to expect
anticipation is an angst; a suicide knot 
unless faith in my path can raise me up 
- and I trust that it will

I will feel the flutter
of Angel's wings from the past
Angel's wings will brush against my cheek
familiar and comforting
and I will push forward
I will let fear dissipate into the wind

I will hear your words
I will see your anger
I will feel your heart beat - keeping true to my own rhythm
A split second decision - finger on the trigger
An unfortunate shift in the tide
- my destination will remain the same

My only question - 

Will you ever look up at me through the eyes of your God,
instead of down the barrel or through the eye of your gun … click

© 2016 TrilbyYates

Friday, April 1, 2016

Breathe Easy

It's that shading time 
of in-between 
end of daylight 
and the start of nighttime 
when shadows lose their definition 
and begin to morph 
into a quiet spaceless-ness 

When love wraps itself around 
all the worlds creatures 
with the warmth and security 
of a lovers arms 
or the way a parent would embrace 
- their child 

Dusk, a space in time 
when there is no beginning, 
middle or end 
- it is more of a fading off
a drifting away 
slow motion pause
a place that is unconditional
forever constant... 

A place I tend to breathe easy

© 2016 TrilbyYates


Saturday, March 26, 2016

Looming Weapon Of Destruction

I am not afraid because you say I do not exist 
I will not question my own faith 
or hide in the shadows 
of your looming weapon of destruction
...on the contrary
- If to you, I do not exist, you can never destroy me 

If I am the water slipping through your fingers 
you can never drink me, drown me;
or use me to wash away the stain of your choices
If I am the sand beneath your feet 
you can never use me or my labors
to build your castles in the sky 
Because when the tide rises 
I will wash away into the glorious sea
I will be of no use to you - only to me
If I am the flip side of your bigotry, 
the brunt of your misogyny or racism;
prisoner chained by your legislated laws 
If my protected rights 
are restricted by your ignorance,
by the stroke of your pen -
None of this will impact me

You see,

I am not afraid because you say I do not exist 
I will not question my own faith 
or hide in the shadows 
of your looming weapon of destruction
...on the contrary
- if to you, I do not exist you can never destroy me. 

If I am indeed the flip side of what you are 
than nothing about you can touch me 
Because I am invisible in your world, 
I do not exist and my power is in - that I am 
- and your ignorance keeps you oblivious
My power is that you can not destroy 
what you do not believe in or acknowledge 
You stand on a podium to impose your stance, your presence 
You and the like, use fraud as a "prop" to legitimize ego
I stand on my own 
I stand with my feet planted 
in Mother Earth
My head high, eyes to the sky - rain or shine 
There is no one that will ever hold me higher 
than I hold myself

You see,

I am not afraid because you say I do not exist 
I will not question my own faith 
or hide in the shadows 
of your looming weapon of destruction
...on the contrary
- if to you, I do not exist you can never destroy me.

© 2016 TrilbyYates