When we finally arrived at the marina I was thrilled. It was so exciting to see the old US army base and how it's being transformed. Plus, the ride was nerve racking at best! We unloaded the car of our supplies for "Layla" and I don't think I was ever so happy to see a sailboat (Layla 40' Cal 1976) - I just wanted to get on board and crawl into the V-berth feel the slight sway from the water and relax. We had a really nice dinner and actually had the opportunity to shower and sit in a jacuzzi for a while.
Shelter Bay Marina is located on the old site of Fort Sherman, a US military base. In 1999 the US Army gave Fort Sherman to the Panamanian government so that it could be rebuilt and turned into a maritime facility - Shelter Bay Marina.
Fort Sherman was built in 1910 to protect the Gatun Locks of the Panama Canal. In 1917, a small, well protected bay, was dredged to accommodate mine layers and the ferry that operated between the fort and the city of Colon. After WWII, the Fort Sherman provided jungle training for the US military services.
There are two main concrete floating docks have a capacity of 80 boats ranging from 35 feet to 70 feet. Yachts up to 125 feet can be berthed on our T-head end ties, or yachts up to 225 feet and a 12 foot draft can be side tied to our floating dock designed for mega yachts. All slips are equipped with potable water and electrical power; 120, 240 and 480VAC power or 30, 50, 100 amp service.
Right now the facility has a restaurant/bar internet service, full amenities – shower, bath, hot tubes, private bathrooms, and a laundry room, all very clean and well attended to.
The marina is on an amazing piece of property. Looks like something out of an old war movie. All the Army buildings have been gutted and are going to be rebuilt into a high-end housing. There must be well over a couple of hundred buildings.
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