Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer sun, sand, sails and seashells...June 2011

 Trilby ~ Beach Bum, by Ari Mygatt


Sound rolls
over waves of silver
shades of blue
rhythmic pattern
takes pause
the right moment
rings true

Hand held out
like a beggar
wanting just enough
to keep close
to the heart
and not fall far
from grace
while off in the distance
where ships sail
the high seas
and movers and shakers
spin the wheel
of other peoples fortunes
a Captain secrets
stolen keepsakes
as the jailer paces
hands stuffed
into his pockets
jingling keys…
what ever lies
beyond the tide
and thunders
from coast to coast
can’t be shaken
through adventures
from the past
tomorrow promises
something new
while something old
can hold its own
gently fading
off to blue

Mourning doves
sing a song
shallow sweet
melody hum
and the hand
that touches
a heart beat
shares a moment
tears are shed
change of season
turning of the tide
one forward
two back
closed door
open window
questions and answers
conceal and reveal
who are you
who am I

4. you say you’ve got the hook the one that will steal my heart away
the way I float off and never look back was only once upon a time
in someone else's fairy tale betwixt and between
none of it falls into place neatly like a house of cards
when the wind blows and the windows rattle kind of reminds me
of that old love song about a snake and a charmer walking down
a one way street high road low road nothing in between
just a sad verse that doesn’t reflect the face in the mirror
one eye brown and one eye blue but the past has a funny way
of settling the score when one least expects as if there is no tomorrow
and maybe that’s the way the tides flow forever and always
sailing against the wind

Sand and stone
Shells and sea
Looking to the horizon
Beyond the tide and past me
To a place of solitude
Peaceful reverie...

© 2011 Trilby Yates

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