Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ode To... July 2011

Howard Buzzutto (father) & Dorothy Buzzutto (daughter) 1950

Dorothy Buzzutto (1960)

Ode To Dorothy

Ode to the woman
that carried my name
that carried the ties that bind
if truth be told
the gentler times
are all that matter today
a day that time dissipates
into tears of joy
and memories reflect
tints of glorious color
while the sharpness
blurs into muted shades of gray
Ode to the woman
that held my heart with gentle hands
but never long enough
Ode to the wounded dove
that flies above
with curls and pearls
a fragile child’s dream

Ode to letting go,
to the natural flow
wisdom passed
from generation
to generation
babies growing stronger
and brighter

Ode to the woman, my mother
…to Dorothy

© 2011 Trilby Yates

Friday, July 22, 2011

Heat Wave July 2011

Jetty Walk ~ Summer 2011 (SC & AM)

Heat Wave

Steamy sweltering
take a deep breath
air is thick and warm...

Summer sun
cloaked in a haze
shades of pale blue
feathered sky wispy clouds
wrap around finger tips
gentle hands dripping
in the scent of coconut oil

Floating carefree muffled sounds
a mellow song serenade
carried within a slight breeze
while dancing in the streets
keeps the beat
R&B lives on…

© 2011 Trilby Yates

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Early Sunday AM...July 2011

Old Couple ~ Train Station 2011

Comfort Zone

Warm summer breeze
blows by
like a one hit wonder
that plays over and over
with the familiarity
of a gentle smile
greetings at the door
welcome home sweet one
some say boredom
sets in with time
and the eyes wander
but I remain in awe
of the next day
same old sunrise
same old sunset
red sky at night
sailors delight
red sky in the morning
sailors take warning

Gentle touch, sweet kiss, comfort in the familiar…

© 2011 Trilby Yates

Friday, July 8, 2011

July Frame Of Mind ~ 2011

Man In A Full Moon ~ 2011


A conversation with self...yes, I get tired. Yes, I slip in and out of total disbelief...still, almost 4 years later. Yes, I question what it all means. Yes, I wonder what my future holds. And yes, I fear the thought of moving forward and the thought of not...

I dream of a music man who can share a song that will touch my heart and soul, bring me to tears of joy, won't interfere with yesterday and leave me with a smile of the promise for a wonderful tomorrow.

When does the tide turn, the up side of the down? Will a light go on like the flip of a switch…sudden awakening? Does the joy of life wash over me once again like a tidal wave? Or is this it…is this the simple black and white of it all. I’ve had love, lost love…let love go – and the hand of fate stepped in opening one door and slamming another closed. And now I wonder…and I question…and I’ve lost faith, short of the “man in the moon” who has no place to hide just hanging around up in the cosmos always with a wise ass grin – knowing more and telling less.

Slick kitchy diner
silver shell
hangs on the corner of
Avenue this and
Avenue that
but no one cares
who you’re waiting for
when Godot
never shows his hand
maybe a snap
of the finger
and a twist of fate
will change the scene
lending to sad songs
on a juke box
swallowing coin
like an old time toll booth
on the turnpike of life
pre-E-ZPass and
this isn’t east coast
verses west or
upstate seeming too close
to Deliverance
for any native New Yorker
with a touch of paranoia
we can slip away
without making a sound
kind of like 2 ships
in the night and
what will it take to
bring a good person
to their knees
when life keeps running on low
and the options aren’t worth
the effort
so we’ll keep skipping stones
across the Sound
and wait to see what
bounces back from the other side…

© 2011 Trilby Yates

A Warm July 2011

JY and TY ~ In The Mirror

In The Mirror

Images drone on
meshed together
with the sounds
that play
off key in a mind
that can’t seem
to wander beyond
the walls of one room
one room that held a heart
and has kept a soul from progressing
on to the next phase
the next stage of the grief process
what ever it is
what it may mean
bounding back and forth
dancing in-between with hopes
that yesterday will somehow
come back around renewed
but the hands of time don’t rhyme
with this particular song
and it may not be how many notes you play
only the silence in-between
yet there has been a long pause
of empty quiet that reflects back
to the absence of you
only me.

© 2011 Trilby Yates

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July 2011

Fisherman's Walk

All the battles
that rage around us
hands of the clock
never stop and we
step forward
with the hope and promise
that what we believe
to be true
is coming from a higher power
and not just the back pocket
of some man with a plan
and a fetish for fame and fortune –
or what ever else is twisted
around our fate.
We walk the walk
and talk the talk
bury our children
from generation
to generation
draped in a flag
of one nation under God –
while we praise and hail Mary
giving us the power of choice.
For whom the bell tolls
is a question we won’t ask
because it cannot be un-rung
each name is etched in stone.
And Einstein said,
“…insanity is doing the same thing
over and over expecting different results…”

Do you feel free yet?

© 2011 Trilby Yates

Friday, July 1, 2011

Now and Then ~ July 1, 2011

Trilby Yates

Trilby Yates

Jerry Yates

Trilby and Jerry Yates

A lifetime ~ our lifetime.  An anniversary, dreams and memories ~
I'll always be with you...always...