Thursday, October 31, 2013

My Heart Reveals It All

Summer slumber 
billow in a warm breeze
while fall steps out 
in colored glory 
and my heart reflects
all that have come 
and all that have gone 
regret seems 
a shallow grave 
without substance 
or worry
so as time passes... and it does 
of what it all meant 
rise above 
the sense of loss 
but you my friend... heart felt
held me 
through the night 
and watched 
the sun rise 
did you wonder 
...what would become of this newly felt love 
or would you watch it 
fade away 
like any other day 
as the tides of life 
rise and fall
winter winds blow 
and spring's thaw is inevitable
you remain hidden away
yet my heart reveals it all... 

© 2013 Trilby   

Sunday, October 27, 2013

White Roses

White roses
scent drifts
solemn breeze
carries me...

Delicate petals
mournful -

black granite
in each bud...

of the season
upon me -

pumpkin orange
shades of gold
sunlight yellow
no one leaves
this place
by the stillness
and grace -

stone tells a story
I continue to weep
hold memories
bitter sweet -

Finger tips
the end of life ~

© 2013 Trilby  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blue Skies Over The White House

Blue skies 
over the White House
clouds looming
slight glaze 
eyes covered 
what will happen 
when the curtain falls
sudden fear 
leaves the children
hiding in the shadows 
of bigger men 
those that drag 
to a higher power 
leaving the past 
far behind 
hope grows
with each day 
that passes 
that nothing 
will crawl out 
from under 
the proverbial rock 
protective nature 
takes hold 
and  YOU 
will not
stand in their way 
"...for the good of the American people..."
hail the mantra 
rises from smoldering ashes
as the country burns
few eat cake... 

© 2013 Trilby  

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Rear View Mirror

Background soundtrack 
sets the stage 
guitar slides 
across the room 
drum beat 
with the pounding 
of a heart 
gun to hand
hand to chest  
stars shoot
across the sky 
with every breath 
that is taken 
looms a thief 
in the night  
life circles around 
without pause 
or reflection 
a clean slate 
second chances 
become novel 
like a trinket 
held for ransom 
dangling indiscriminately 
from the rear view mirror 
of some highjacked
junked up transport ~

© 2013 Trilby