Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dophins Fly

Melodious breeze blows
across the shore line
a song from long ago
whistles in the wind
Harp player glides
sand filled shoes
staring into tomorrow
crystal ball floats by
far away
Block Island
hidden treasures
200 and counting
lost and found
seashells fall
from high above
seagulls soar
you lean into me
while the Captain
shouts ...coming about
far winds and following seas
echo in chambers
heart beat bounding
from the Sound
dances across the sky
half note and skipping stones
keeping an eye on the horizon
never changing
steadfast and true
a slight smile flickers
beloved memories
while off in the distance
dolphins fly beyond
mirrored images
of me holding hands with you...

© 2013 Trilby

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Second Wind Next Life

Ten second spin off
you still can't
recall my name
and if I blink
would fade away
only the scent
of yesterday remains
you don't
hold a candle
to him
my Angel in the night
Blue Moon Belgian style
wheat ale
is a cheap and much welcomed
words from a stranger
send a chill
like a sharp shooter
your aim
was off
missing your target
without intention
or thought
too much pressure
on where we are
where we have been
self help groups
are the fall guy
for winners in disguise
walking away
with much more than pride
ego can mask
only so much
when life throws
a curve ball
sliding home
is not an option
when that safe haven
slipped away
years ago
I still wonder
what road
I would have traveled
if I hadn't been on the run
grabbing this and that
along the way
carpetbagger by trade
inherent scene of survival
never giving up the ghost
hanging on for dear life
and praying
for a quick release

Darling I'll see you at the cross roads....second wind, next life...

© 2013 Trilby

Friday, May 24, 2013

Angel Women

you look 
with distaste
that lingers 
and always 
falls away 
with an echoing
sounds of 
a judgment 
of values 
who are you 
to place 
the burden 
of your own 
a generation 
of Angel Women 
with Wings 
of Gold 
that carried us 
from sticks and stones
in the past
to the heights of Grace
for a bright future
who are you 
to not 
but instead
to answer 
with words 
of hate 
debasing slap
that reveals
more about 
you than 
in what 
dark place 
do you roam 
words flow
with ease
severing heart strings
turning the heat 
of passion 
flames of love
to humiliation
an entire gender

where do you linger
where do you crawl....

© 2013 Trilby

Thursday, May 16, 2013

You Once Said...

...starlight gleaming 
candles burn 
so softly 
casting silhouettes 
lovers lean in 
lips touch 
sweet song plays 
in the background 
in each breath 
no need 
to step away 
no need 
to hesitate once said luck had nothing to do with it we earned one another...

our truth is captured in moments of clarity held with intention ~ 

© 2013 Trilby

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Twitter – jump off – 8.21.12 to date and counting….

1 - His song is carried in the wind like a breath from a past filled with love

2 - I'm lost in a world of memories, music and thought - my words, my writing keep me sane...for the most part :)

3 - Q. Do you rhyme when you write your poetry? A. No, not something I intentionally avoid, it's just not part of my natural flow.

4 - Working on a new book...Widow's has been suggested that it will be cathartic! My name is Trilby, I am a widow...

5 - Early Sunday morning the rain is falling wind blowing the empty space next to me woke me up...sounds of silence

6 - TV, internet, ipod, stereo, help quiet the...lack of...

7 - A new day...not much has changed...tides up, moved the room view – life

8 - Scattered thoughts with one line that is steadfast, a common thread...a sense of loss shadows my days...shake free from it he whispers...

9 - Is there every a time when loss fades to fond memories? When a smile has laughter on the cusp? Soul singing, soul singing...longing words

10 - The feel of your hand in mine, a tender kiss, shared smile, eyes meet, a peaceful heart - you are here with me...I wake up confused...tears

11 - Two steps forward several steps back to a time when life was full of love you and me never enough time, now the weekends are too long...

12 - Our father who art in heaven, ourfatherwhoartinheavenourfatherwhoartinheaven...questions, answer-silence...

13 - Oh to take that walk, look out to sunset, pink, purple harmonious - eyes meet, the perfection of a moment - then crumbs fall to the floor...

14 - Steps taken the past will follow, the heart lingers in tomorrow - stand still it will pass you by, blow kisses to the sky...

15 - September spirits gather, slight wind carries a song to you while October waits its turn to mourn - Fall, how appropriate..

16 - Bulls eye, right on target, nail on the said it, I felt it...heart explodes into tiny pieces

17 - Empty spaces, between each line there is a void, a shadow dances in the night simply waiting for what will follow...

18 - Join the fight, tell my story, symbolic wrist band - bold words - FIGHT LUNG CANCER...words from an aching heart sound hollow...

19 - A tiny box, open slowly, a piece of paper folded neatly, placed inside. Unfold, words written. TY I love you and will always be with you JY

20 - Peeking from behind the shadows there is nothing but a hollow echo that bounces back and forth, back and forth...endless echo...bounce

21 - Guilt, guilt, every minute counts. Denial is a tool - keep the ticking time bomb tick-tock for another day. Oh to have those days back...

22 - From heart to head and back again...heart aches, head is the medicine that keeps the fever down and memories at bay...dream on love...

23 - Twin flame - to have experienced unconditional love and acceptance makes life cold and dark when the other flame has been blown out...

24 - Flowers in my hair, you would smile and kiss me...such an angel you would say while holding my hand as if time were slipping away...

25 - Memories are like little movies we can play over and over - black and white or in color, add music for special effect.

26 - Pray, plead, promise - beg, cry, scream and swear. Deny or accept. I'm convinced nothing can change the path we were on, NOTHING!

27 - There are a few things that help numb what has already died within...most are illegal...

28 - Laughter fades into the night as shadows turn from shades of gray to liquid silver sparking glimmers of light that seep into my heart.

29 - La dolce vita and a cup of espresso with the Pope, a ferry ride to any island, walk the beach, feel the sand the sun pouring light into love

30 - The heart weeps and opens wide the doors to self imposed Penance; just another Blues song with a touch of Lennon

31 - Cancer he says in a cold but yet humane way. A pro at dropping the bomb like a WWII 18 year old soldier in the cockpit of a B52.

32 - No looking back, visions are like memories being played over and over without a pause button for some sense of relief...

33 - Every second, every moment is etched in my mind - green eyes, promises, music, words, tears, touch, kiss, scent, love, fear, terror, loss be continued...

© 2013 Trilby

Friday, May 10, 2013

Newport Sunset

Days  begin to fade away
Newport sunset lingers
dock begins to sway
sentimental thoughts 
make my heart ache 
but not 
with the intensity
as before
images seem so fresh 
I can reach out
and touch...
there is this very fine line 
between love
and guilt
wrapped so neatly
in metaphors 
our lives meshed together 
and tore apart 
humanity doesn't hold a candle 
to commitment and vows 
we cling to the warmth 
of tradition and familiarity ~

© 2013 Trilby