Saturday, January 29, 2011

Birthday Wishes...1.28.2011

I don’t know what the future holds
can’t clearly recall the past,
without adding and subtracting this or that

But, I do know where I am standing today
and from this angle when the light is right
you remind me of a painting I once inhaled at the Met…

Visions of happily ever after dance in fields of wild flowers,
the peaceful scent of lavender floating in the air
and I believed you were the one forever and ever
hand in hand reminiscing on the front porch as the day grows old
a piece of anticipated heaven here on earth

Another life story that did unfold an ending never written

So while the day fades into night and
the music begins to roll
like the flip side of gentle rocking
peaceful reverie leading the way...
there is a clear path paved with birthday wishes
and memories of another time,

Quietly taking a step into new beginnings,
always keeping you in this heart of mine ~

© 2011 Trilby Yates

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