Words in print
words shouted
from the left
and right
we are falling in love
with our own rectitude
we walk a fine line
of righteousness
and never acknowledge
the lapse of judgement
or even the possibility
that we haven't got a real grasp
on what is slipping
between our fingers
the experience
the feeling of dread
or grief
the feeling
that we don't
have control
that society is
a loose cannon
being set up
and fired off
by warriors
from a different time
a different mind-set
a mentality driven
by half daft demons
that will set
the world a blaze
because they don't know
anything else
fear of the unknown
fear of what they know
they don't know
and persecute beliefs
that don't bend
at their will
or won't acknowledge
the legitimacy
of anger
and rage
the PC terms
being thrown around
like some deflated football
regulation zero
high strung
tempter tantrums
at the end of the day
it is what it is
sugar coated
dressed up or down
educated or illiterate
the common thread
is the hate
that is spread
with a few choice
you can call me
but the real truth is
I am OK with who I am...I pose the question...are you?
© 2015 TrilbyYates
words shouted
from the left
and right
we are falling in love
with our own rectitude
we walk a fine line
of righteousness
and never acknowledge
the lapse of judgement
or even the possibility
that we haven't got a real grasp
on what is slipping
between our fingers
the experience
the feeling of dread
or grief
the feeling
that we don't
have control
that society is
a loose cannon
being set up
and fired off
by warriors
from a different time
a different mind-set
a mentality driven
by half daft demons
that will set
the world a blaze
because they don't know
anything else
fear of the unknown
fear of what they know
they don't know
and persecute beliefs
that don't bend
at their will
or won't acknowledge
the legitimacy
of anger
and rage
the PC terms
being thrown around
like some deflated football
regulation zero
high strung
tempter tantrums
at the end of the day
it is what it is
sugar coated
dressed up or down
educated or illiterate
the common thread
is the hate
that is spread
with a few choice
you can call me
but the real truth is
I am OK with who I am...I pose the question...are you?
© 2015 TrilbyYates