Friday, June 7, 2013


Child of the night 
sweet innocent 
of delight
with your heart 
worn out 
and faded 
chambray shirt 
torn at the sleeve 
you can't 
bring yourself 
to question the blur 
that follows you around 
every secret kept 
when the time comes 
you glide with ease
across the floor 
feet not touching 
the ground 
slight trace 
of ambivalence 
as the hook of life 
hands from the past 
misguide you 
gently through
a free fall 
silver parachute  
never fails
stray buttons 
held tight
for safe keeping
and you smile 
nothing lost
nothing gained
while the fat lady sings 
all those tunes 
out of sync
time lapse
flip book
skipping a note 
here and there 
what matters
if you can't follow 
the beat
your path 
or mine 
take it to the left 
when all else implodes
sky rockets shatter
star light beams
to points unknown
the devil flies 
in the face 
of who's who 
and truth behold
a suitable playmate 
can't hold a candle 
in the wind 
without a cautionary tale 
and I fear for the worst...

Fear ~

1 - the emotion experienced in the presence or threat of danger fear

© 2013 Trilby

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