Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I Am Still Here

Your eyes close 
peaceful rest 
holding your hand 
a gentle squeeze 
...I'm still here 
Sunlight slips 
between the cracks 
in drawn shades 
Patterns of lace 
dance on pale 
linen colored walls 
Shallow breath 
I lay my head 
on your chest 
for confirmation 
you whisper 
...I'm still here 
We fall together 
a dream state 
a reverie 
and sacred space 
Fields of lavender 
and wild flowers 
The wind weaves
and sways
between long 
blades of grass 
Like a child 
fear and foe 
and laughter 
permeates the air 
I turn to you 
your eyes 
meet mine 
...I'm still here
Warmth and energy
smiles forever wide
And off in the distance 
your shadow begins
to glisten
and in the quiet
the calm silence
leaning forward 
I strain to listen
and as your voice 
begins to fade
I can hear you say
I am still here, I am still here... 

© 2015 TrilbyYates

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