Sunday, November 1, 2015

Chris Matthews Throw Me A Life Line

Heard the words steam roller blow out
walking on a branch already broken
and the monsters of men want to challenge the path
I have already chosen - what's a non gender bender supposed to do?
And, and I look to you as a knight in shining armor
- and the villain on the tracks
But anyway that's my stuff, my story and I tell it well 
- if you stand still long enough to listen
I will maintain a glass half full mentality throughout most of the day
no need to tell me to keep the faith 
brighter days are coming soon
brighter days are on the way
and I'm still carrying my lackings around with an intense sense of pride
committed to never letting them go like the lovely lessons learned 
and bridges never burned, something my mum said a long time ago
…I digress, perdonatemi la mai famiglia
I'll continue to ride the wave when the oceans have dried
just close my eyes and recall the vision of the mighty Poseidon
and the sounds of water rushing against the tide
a wake up call just in case you missed the metaphor 
it's all right here in the third eye my own personal treasure 
reflections from the other side
when sand, sea and lies collide 
and it hasn't rained since the climate change naysayers 
spit directly into the wind
So I'm out here trying to find an umbrella 
but I'll settle for one rational thread that will give me a pass 
on what was written and believed to have been said 
or the misinterpretation of everyones fate
and I've always been told it's never too late - to ask for help

Chris Matthews throw me a life line
you are the only one that can pull the nation in
when everyone else relies on the bend in the road
or the guy in the hat who will cast the first stone
who boldly claims to have lived without sin
and the Svengali's are telling us - now, never, sink or swim

And all I can do is think about you and that's gotta count for something

Chris Matthews throw me a life line
you are the only one that can make the nation grin
when everyone else relies on the bend in the road
or the guy in the hat who casts the first stone
who boldly claims to have lived without sin
and the Svengali's are telling us - now, never, sink or swim

© 2015 TrilbyYates 

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