Tuesday, September 23, 2014

When Wont It Matter

I can be an after thought
a chain reaction glimmer in your eye
hitting the nail on the head...clairvoyant imposter
it doesn't truly matter all that much - to me
What is thought or spoken - love has no boundaries
the exception, not being reciprocated - virtuous whore
Especially when the world around us
is a blaze - flames kissing the heavens
and the middle ground is a jagged edge - diversionary tact
When will you look at me
tears in your eyes - heart pounding
the same way I look at you?
When wont it matter
that my story isn't in-sync - with yours?
I know I carry a different tune
When will you feel the same way
about me - the same way I feel about you?
When wont it matter?
I've traveled my own path - lost at times
but when I came to a fork in the road
I never turned back - choices made
via an unorthodox flip of a coin
or mere chance, the direction of the wind
kiss and blow - roll the dice
heads I win tails you lose - continue on my love
The alternative has its own draw - appearances can be deceiving 
just wasn't part of the grand design - my journey
With music pushing me forward, a lyric on the tip of my tongue
my head full of words and soulful thought
always leading me on my merry way
When will you look at me
tears in your eyes - heart pounding
the same way I look at you?
When wont it matter
that my story isn't in-sync - with yours?
I know I carry a different tune
When will you feel the same way
about me - the same way I feel about you?
When wont it matter? 

© 2014 TrilbyYates   


Anonymous said...

When I read this I thought I might know what you were saying to us...then I was sure I had no clue. but I do know you are always thought provoking and heart tugging... My friend ...My friend.

Trilby said...

Thank you for such a nice comment. There are several things being said and the interpretation depends on the reader. If you know me it will say one thing and if you don't it will say something else. That was my plan...lol, and I usually don't have a plan!