Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Twinkling Lights

Warm cup of coffee 
hands wrapped 
tightly around 
over sized thermos
skim latte 
with a dash 
of cinnamon
comfort zone
no way home
thoughts interrupt
warm and reminiscent  
shooting shiver 
from head to toe 
gazing amusement
while black swans glide 
ceremoniously atop 
the biting cold waters 
Saugatuck LIS Atlantic
fed riverbed
elegantly withdrawn
as the world drives by 
stone overpass 
white blanket holiday snow
wind gust grabs a hold
symbolic flags blow
tide seems mid to high 
full moon mesmerizing glow 
not a lonely place 
sitting in the quiet
of all that is before me
Mother Natures 
early morning winter show  
pre-dawn blues
shake rattle and roll
remembering songs
that touch deep into the spirit
and truth seeker soothes the soul
blue notes strung together
twinkling lights from long, long ago
...such a long time ago...

© 2013 Trilby

Friday, December 13, 2013

' Tis The Season

'Tis the season 
for holiday cheer
for some it's
an innate 
time of dread
some glow 
from head to toe
count down 
to that momentous day 
when the path 
of kings 
and gods 
a Child born 
a story told 
carrying more 
than  just a few 
die hard 
Old Testament
New Testament
King James 
elegant English 
word stirring
provoking version
bible toting 
from the depths 
of Mother Earth 
places unknown 
but alas capturing 
the hearts 
and imaginations 
generation after generation 
war after war 
century after century 
blood shed...
countless numbers 
cherish and pray 
to whom they 
have tenderly named
God Jehovah Yahweh
as their anointed 
and holy one  ~
...yet the battle 
still rages on and on
who are those 
chosen few 
that will eventually 
rise above
the rest
with wings of gold 
and harps strum 
by feathered wings
of baby angels 
we maintain our right 
to walk the path 
of the glorious
with the burden of 
a self proclaimed 
to listen
a judgmental 
mindset weapon
held tightly 
in hand
I continue
to wonder
in amazement
how one 
faith unquestionably... 

Holiday festive gatherings with family and friends Christmas tree and candle light twinkle red blue yellow the smell of evergreen and spice such a magical sight snow flakes if we are fortunate will fall from the sky setting the tone blanketing the world in white symbolic of peace and hope as we wait for the events once again to occur on this the most holy of nights...

© 2013 Trilby 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

You Do Not Know Me

I am
a prisoner
of time and space
held within
the boundaries
of a sanctioned
God anointed birth
the law of the land
the law of religion
and unquestioned faith
the law of responsibility
to all those
that have come
and after
the psychological
chains of societal
guilt, shame, selfishness
keeping me here
with one foot
always firmly
in a place of
- non -
in a space
of absence -
conflicting presence
a calming heart beat
a detectable pulse
a heart beat
that keeps
the rhythm
and rhyme
with notes
and emotion
linked with
highs and lows
to verbs and nouns
I am
not merely
made up
of a past
and present
potential future
flesh and bone -
I am
the wind
or lack of
I am
the unknown
the object
of your
sequential reflection
yet you
do not know
me -
...have never known
anything more
than what
without malice
of  intention
but with
self preservation
guided fate
all that my
could allow...
the past
moves fast
it becomes
a comfortable chair
that is
intentionally placed
by the hands
of a  
"gentler God"
with a story
how life
is learned
is earned
in a living room
of comings
and goings
adding this
or that
the past
of its present
and future
than the
of life
unto its own
whom ever
do not know
and before
to that
unparalleled space
of the
heavenly Grace
you who have grown
and have known
even less
and never
or contemplate 
the reasons why...

© 2013 Trilby   

Friday, December 6, 2013

Delicately Choreographed Dance

By the end 
of this 
dream life
as we 
or stumble
from path 
to journey
road block 
or stepping stone
not a macabre 
in the moment 
of the transformation 
the information
the lack of overload
hands of fate 
stride in 
never tipping 
"its" intention
knowing full well
is not a defense 
in the land 
of the law
the freedom
of choice
the unwritten 
page in our 
personal stories...
but is a gift 
from God
at times 
and others 
a curse
you my friend
though you try
I'm sure...
between word 
and song
sip of wine 
catch yourself
letting go
drifting off
across the sound 
can not forget
may not recall 
my name
...out loud 
in an awkward
the deepest
color of my eyes
transparent brown
but you will 
in that place
held close 
to the vest
where the heart
Pandora's box
...we've come to call
dare not open 
on precious occasion
in the privacy 
of your own 
for a tender 
set of circumstance
the harmony 
that was shared
within a breath 
two people 
on a path
that intersected 
not so long ago 
will not
be denied...

We are not frozen
isolated in a prism 
memories sojourn
we are a 
choreographed dance... 

© 2013 Trilby  

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Note To MB

(Scene set up: this was written a while ago...wounded pride, ego kept me from posting...but with all things as time passes so does negativity...moving forward brighter days ahead!)

Note to MB:

Nothing is keeping my feet on the ground 
short flight from yesterday 
filling up on jet fuel 
to keep all those tattered demons away.
And how do I separate you 
from a gift from God -
...when my heart was highjacked back in the day 
with a love that flowed forever so freely 
from him to me eyes so green it made my heart ache!
Now and then I walk past his grave 
and a hand from the "heavenly beyond" catches me off guard 
with a sense of warmth and recollection.

Today I question your intentions and my own 
because I don't need or want you 
the way I did him...

With warm regards for better luck next time around,

© 2013 Trilby  

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Focused Suffragette

Old photographs
Father front center
Children in awe
eyes wide
Mothers hands
tightly folded
sepia images
pieces of linen
loosely regarded
change with
the passing
of time
tied with a
tender touch
obsessive perfection
silk ribbon
once brilliant
shade of blue
faded edges
to the way
of the past
tend to do
vintage lace
layering each
tale told 
in style
blushing vignette
each stitch
secrets hold
needle point
finger prick
passive aggressive
of a world
where Women
sat quietly
polite nod
to the rare
a question
may be posed
aim without intent
focused suffragette 
...Women of a certain day

© 2013 Trilby  

Friday, November 29, 2013

One More For The Road

candle light low smoldering glow
not tagged for tender romance
self serving no holds barred seduction
of another kind...
Bar scene fades defiantly out of view
as the backroom juke joint
grabs hold soothes the heart
and shakes the soul

Time passes reluctantly
yet the heart beat carries the crowd
unified movement sweltering heat
his music becomes my own...
We are ageless as images of youth
begin to blur colorless montage
just the way Mother Nature intended
magical streaks shades of grey
run translucent color through his hair

And the Music man
oblivious continues to play
mesmerizing the lovelorn
eyes closed, head tilted
focused far off in a melodious zone
he blows a sultry song
as if his world is a slow burn
of notes and tones
saved for me, yet
shared with the lost and lonely
with pleading reverie one more for the road...

For now my journey has
purpose, reverence and intent
The Music man holds my hand
guiding me along the way
while I absorb song and sound
eyes closed, head tilted
focused far off in a melodious zone
conjuring up and improvising
notes and tones
with pleading reverie one more for the road... 

© 2013 Trilby 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Life Line Snap

I am a one liner
oblivious daydreamer
fantasy shaker
one foot in front of the other stumbling block
self proclaimed prophet to the faithless
magnificent enemy of a higher order
I am identifiable
puff of vaporized humanity
sexuality twist
gender bender
fraudulent soul seeker
status disclaimer
lacking moral compass deformity
stolen innocence imposter
race confused
bouncing reflector
Black, White, Yellow, Red
once in a life time off beat charlatan
I walk, talk and live the consequence
broken chain torn bleeding heart
surrender to none
open book closed and shamed
baffled by my own confusion
eyes wise lessons yet to learn
crimson lips sink stolen ships
white knuckling way of life
blood soaked delusional story teller
love lacking compartmentalized wanderer
truth seeking denier
all is not lost when all is not found

...life line snap

© 2013 Trilby

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Not Forgotten

Those days of laughter,
shared smiles,
a nod of knowing...
they aren't over yet 
are they?

Inquisitive questions
innocently posed in a way 
that only the high 
and mighty 
could possibly answer...

And when the heart 
feels even the slightest 
bit of anticipation  -
like a dove taking flight
...peaceful wings span,
joy and exhilaration 
occur when all is not lost 
or forgotten -

Resilience comes 
in many shades of blue,
profoundly humming
that loving tune...

The heart does not forget!

But, will fate step in?
...and as old tales are told 
like a wandering shepherd
searching from dusk til dawn
I could remain lost
forever alone...

When truly all I want 
is to feel the wind 
on my face - 
Feel the sand beneath 
my feet - 
Hear the sound of each note 
played -
Reach for your hand 
in the darkest of night 
and know...

We are not forgotten ~

Even if forbidden 
in a world of the faithful 
living faithless lives.

My choice 
to remain alone 
rather than settle 
for companionship.

To wait for
love so bold,
love that carries joy 
tenderly in each word 
volumes yet to be written 
in the deepest part 
of my soul worn and weary 
I continue to hold 
an open space for you -  

© 2013 Trilby 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Train Ride

                                                     Metro North ~ photo by TYates
Long train ride
eyes close 
images sharpen 
and the senses 
seem unusually high 
and maybe 
it was the way 
you kissed me 
or the way your hand 
was gently placed 
in the lowest part 
of my back 
pulling me close 
swaying to the music 
dancing has never felt 
so seductive 
brushing my hair 
off my neck 
whispered words 
the rhythm 
from the top 
of the crystalline 
to the fiery depths 
of hell 
a moment in time 
holds tenderly 
perfection in memories
if nothing is accidental 
all has purpose and intent 
lessons lived 
and lessons learned 
explanations not needed 
when two ships 
in the night 
and yet
remain connected -

...the conductor walks by, click, click...next stop Westport, walk two cars forward and watch your step... 

© 2013 Trilby 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Old Man

                                                        photo by Johanna's Visions

Old man's 
whiskey soaked 
voice crackles
sparks explode 
translucent color 
drenched skies
Blues man 
juke joint
a few steps 
from the past
reflect back 
dancing hands 
held high 
fingers snapping 
deja vu
sweet drifting
Westminster shuffle
bump and grind
heart's beat
keeping time 
same swagger
tilt of his head 
continues to mesmerize...
© 2013 Trilby     

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Choices Made

I am not 
for that place of zen 
for peaceful moments 
that seem to fade 
into a harmonious 
the calming thoughts 
that fill empty spaces 
leaving in between 
of the shift in direction 
the path chosen...
guided by birth right
domino effect
choices followed 
the children to the pied piper
choices made 
from broken toys
scattered about
choices made 
...non the less

© 2013 Trilby    

Thursday, October 31, 2013

My Heart Reveals It All

Summer slumber 
billow in a warm breeze
while fall steps out 
in colored glory 
and my heart reflects
all that have come 
and all that have gone 
regret seems 
a shallow grave 
without substance 
or worry
so as time passes... and it does 
of what it all meant 
rise above 
the sense of loss 
but you my friend... heart felt
held me 
through the night 
and watched 
the sun rise 
did you wonder 
...what would become of this newly felt love 
or would you watch it 
fade away 
like any other day 
as the tides of life 
rise and fall
winter winds blow 
and spring's thaw is inevitable
you remain hidden away
yet my heart reveals it all... 

© 2013 Trilby   

Sunday, October 27, 2013

White Roses

White roses
scent drifts
solemn breeze
carries me...

Delicate petals
mournful -

black granite
in each bud...

of the season
upon me -

pumpkin orange
shades of gold
sunlight yellow
no one leaves
this place
by the stillness
and grace -

stone tells a story
I continue to weep
hold memories
bitter sweet -

Finger tips
the end of life ~

© 2013 Trilby  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blue Skies Over The White House

Blue skies 
over the White House
clouds looming
slight glaze 
eyes covered 
what will happen 
when the curtain falls
sudden fear 
leaves the children
hiding in the shadows 
of bigger men 
those that drag 
to a higher power 
leaving the past 
far behind 
hope grows
with each day 
that passes 
that nothing 
will crawl out 
from under 
the proverbial rock 
protective nature 
takes hold 
and  YOU 
will not
stand in their way 
"...for the good of the American people..."
hail the mantra 
rises from smoldering ashes
as the country burns
few eat cake... 

© 2013 Trilby  

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Rear View Mirror

Background soundtrack 
sets the stage 
guitar slides 
across the room 
drum beat 
with the pounding 
of a heart 
gun to hand
hand to chest  
stars shoot
across the sky 
with every breath 
that is taken 
looms a thief 
in the night  
life circles around 
without pause 
or reflection 
a clean slate 
second chances 
become novel 
like a trinket 
held for ransom 
dangling indiscriminately 
from the rear view mirror 
of some highjacked
junked up transport ~

© 2013 Trilby 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What We Knew Then

I wish 
were my friend 
my confidant
the one 
that would 
hold me close 
when the wind 
doesn't blow 
the one 
that would keep 
the sails full 
even though 
all odds 
are against us 
and when 
the shadows 
from a dark past 
come to surface
you alone would
illuminate my senses
clearing the fog
bringing sanity 
back to port
safe haven in love
and wisdom
I wish you 
had a vantage point 
beyond what is seen 
from a flat line 
spaces never exist 
unless we 
create them
I wish you
knew now
what we knew then...

© 2013 Trilby