Thursday, March 19, 2015

Soothing Vibration

Early morning sun 
begins to wake up
Arm reaching yawn
splintered beams of light 
stretch across 
the horizon 
While a lazy lapping 
of the tide 
comes and goes 
repeating a pattern 
in perfect sync 
with the pull 
of the moon,
as it faithfully 
orbits the earth 
Off in the distance 
a curved line 
remains a constant
just outside of the rim
old and faithful
field of vision;
a focal point for reference  
some things remain eternal
- Sand and sea 
echo one another 
with peaceful chatter 
Soothing vibration
to an often bruised 
and battered mind 
in search of a safe haven,
if only for short 
periods of time 
Refreshing the core 
senses and humanity,
as the day to day 
chip away at even those 
more saintly in spirit;
wresting with their
own moral compass
The tempest shifts
across the shore 
Dancing fools shutter
pulling their collars up
A protective shield
from the perfection
of a storm brewing 
off in the distant future
Weather-vane continues 
to point due north
regardless of which
way the tides turn
or the winds blow...
- Sand and sea 
echo one another 
with peaceful chatter 
Soothing vibration
to an often bruised 
and battered mind 
in search of a safe haven
if only for short 
periods of time... 

© 2015 TrilbyYates


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